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  2. The 7 principles of leave no trace - The World Economic Forum

    Leave No Trace is about leaving minimal impact on the environment, whether it be small, local parks or major, national wilderness areas. It also applies to all activities: hiking, backpacking, running, rock climbing, mountain biking, birding, and even just walking in natural areas. These seven principles are widely accepted as the primary ...

  3. Millennials are starting to get more involved in government, and...

    Attendees are strongly encouraged to become familiar with Burning Man’s 10 Principles, which include “radical self-reliance”, “communal effort”, and “leave no trace”. These principles are obviously important in a desert with no resources such as water and electricity, but Burners don’t just follow these recommendations for sheer ...

  4. These minerals show humanity's impact on Earth

    A new paper catalogs hundreds of these new materials for the first time, and estimates that humans are responsible for roughly 4% of all the minerals on Earth. Some formed along the slippery walls of mines, where cool, moist air reacted with sooty particles of iron ore; others were created in the depths of the ocean as ancient shipwrecks were ...

  5. In Sweden you can roam anywhere you like, without the landowner's...ätt-access-nature

    The right to roam is enshrined in the Swedish constitution Image: Wikipedia. In Sweden, you can walk, ride, cycle, ski and camp on any land you like, without the landowner’s permission. You can also forage, picking flowers, berries and mushrooms (excluding protected species and those in conservation areas). And you can drive on private land ...

  6. Animals are becoming nocturnal to avoid humans

    The research was a cumulative meta-analysis of 76 studies of 62 species from six continents. That analysis revealed an increase in the nocturnality of animals in response to disturbance from humans by an average factor of 1.36. It didn't matter what continent they looked at, the findings were fairly consistent across species, habitats, and the ...

  7. How can the world address inequality? 7 experts explain

    Mitigating inequality requires a mix of bottom-up and top-down changes that address the underlying social and economic systems. Seven experts shine a light on creating a future that leaves no one behind. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated socioeconomic inequalities within and across countries. The policy responses designed to mitigate them ...

  8. This is London's first packaging free shop | World Economic Forum

    Bulk Market opened last week and sells everything from rice to dog food to cakes, catering for customers who want to leave no trace with their consumption. It currently serves about 50 people a day, from young families to older customers, in a small, white-walled store lined with glass bins, wooden tables and wicker baskets.

  9. Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing, and collusion

    What is most worrying is that the algorithms leave no trace of concerted action – they learn to collude purely by trial and error, with no prior knowledge of the environment in which they operate, without communicating with one another, and without being specifically designed or instructed to collude.

  10. Linnea Harris - Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum

    The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests.

  11. The definition of our freedom has changed. Here's how

    When people talk about freedom and democracy, they often trace the lineage of both back 2,000 years to the rocky shores of Greece or to the Senate of Rome. However, the freedom they had in the ancient world was a bit different than what we have today, with significant benefits for us. The ancient democrats wouldn’t think you live in a ...