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We combined the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) second data release (DR2) catalogue with gravitational lensing maps from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to place constraints on the bias evolution of LoTSS-detected radio galaxies, and on the amplitude of matter perturbations. Methods.
We trained the algorithms on the equivalent width (EW) of characteristic absorption lines measured in high-quality spectra (signal-to-noise ( S / N )≳50) from large Galactic (LAMOST, GOSSS) and extragalactic surveys (2dF, VFTS) with available spectral types and luminosity classes.
The software uses the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to minimise the residual between a galaxy image and the PSF-convolved model by modifying the free parameters.
In principle, two requirements are essential to initiate a major eruption by the BASIC mechanism and they are closely related to each other. One is to accumulate a sufficient amount of free magnetic energy to power a major eruption; specifically, the field should be sufficiently non-potential in nature.
The LP+EP hypothesis has three additional free parameters in comparison to the EP function: the normalization parameter K; the location of E p, which can go from the energy of 0.08 TeV (first data point in the spectrum) to the energy 6.80 TeV (last data point in the spectrum); and the curvature parameter β, which can vary from 1 to 20.
We used a deHoffmann-Teller (HT) analysis, based on measurements of the electric and magnetic fields, to find the velocity of solar wind current sheets, which minimises a single component of the electric field.
Abstract We present and test a new halo finder based on the spherical overdensity (SO) method. This new adaptive spherical overdensity halo finder (ASOHF) is able to identify dark matter haloes and their substructures (subhaloes) down to the scales allowed by the analysed simulations.
Following a multi-year minimum of solar activity, a solar energetic particle event on 2020 Nov. 29 was observed by multiple spacecraft covering a wide range of solar longitudes including ACE, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-A, and the recently launched Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. Aims.
The Heliocentric Julian dates and the individual radial velocities are tabulated in Table 2 and the radial velocity curves are plotted in Fig. 2.A few data points appear to be mis-identifications as they are close to the systemic velocity of the star but do not fall on the velocity curve (see HV873, HV878, and U1).
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