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  2. Tracker: The Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet Assets - AAF

    This tracker follows the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) total consolidated assets, held on its balance sheet, as the best indicator of the Fed’s direct intervention in the economy. Context. The Fed’s dual mandate requires it to ensure both stable prices and maximum employment.

  3. Bank Capital Requirements: A Primer - AAF

    Executive Summary – In the 10 years since the financial crisis, bank capital requirements are a seemingly permanent fixture in regulatory compliance for banks – The full array of bank capital requirements is complex, overlapping, and originates from a variety of international and national sources – Care must be taken to achieve a delicate balance […]

  4. Timeline: The Federal Reserve Responds to the Threat of...

    Executive Summary. On March 15, 2020, the Federal Reserve embarked on a large-scale program employing emergency powers in order to stabilize a tumultuous economy under pressure from the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Chief among these emergency actions are cutting interest rates effectively to zero and a $700 billion round of quantitative easing.

  5. Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet Tops $7 Trillion for First Time

    The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet topped $7 trillion for the first time in history, according to newly released figures. AAF’s Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Wade is tracking the Fed’s latest actions in response to the coronavirus pandemic as well as the overall magnitude of its direct interventions. While the Fed is operating a […]

  6. How The Federal Reserve’s Automated Clearing House Informs The...

    Executive Summary Since the 1970s the Federal Reserve has acted both as regulator and market participant in the provision of automated clearing house services. Twenty years of decreasing prices that are not matched by identified cost-savings suggest that the Federal Reserve is using its platform for non-market policy purposes that serve to undercut private providers […]

  7. Improving DOE’s Loan Programs Office - AAF

    Introduction This tracker follows the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) total consolidated assets, held on its balance sheet, as the best indicator of the Fed’s… September 23, 2024 Insight

  8. What Are the Federal Home Loan Banks Even For? - AAF

    The Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBs) are a network of private banks whose debts are presumed to be guaranteed by the federal government; in exchange for this and many other regulatory privileges, the FHLBs are required to contribute 10 percent of annual earnings to affordable housing programs. The United States faces a significant housing supply ...

  9. The Freddie Mac Second Mortgage Proposal - AAF

    On April 16, Freddie Mac sought approval from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to begin purchasing and guaranteeing closed-end home equity loans for borrowers where Freddie already owns the first mortgage. The filing indicates that the proposal’s primary goal is to provide borrowers with a lower-cost alternative to a cash-out refinance.

  10. The Economic Benefits of Balancing the Federal Budget

    To start, the commitment to balance the budget drives the gross federal debt as a share of the economy south from 107 percent of GDP in 2014 to 79 percent of GDP in 2023. Achieving these savings and reducing the debt to levels below those projected under current law will avert the economic harm observed to occur with high levels of indebtedness.

  11. Where Congress Stands on the American Privacy Rights Act

    Introduction This tracker follows the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) total consolidated assets, held on its balance sheet, as the best indicator of the Fed’s… September 12, 2024 Insight